Protection of Privacy

This website is owned by ISE Srl with legal offices in Via Artigianale, 29 – 06022 – Fossato di Vico (Pg) ITALY – P.IVA 01518870546

Registration at the Court of Perugia no. 01518870546 and at CCIAA (Chamber of Commerce) no. 144778 – Share capital € 110,000.00 fully paid


Access to the ISE Srl website implies acceptance by the user of the following conditions.


All texts, images, brands or anything else published on this website is owned by ISE Srl and its reproduction and public use is prohibited without written authorization from ISE Srl. Any violation will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.

Treatment of personal data
The requests for information or estimates from users may require the insertion of personal information which will be processed by ISE Srl in full compliance with Legislation Decree 196/2003 “Personal Data Protection Law” ( hereinafter referred to as “Code”).

Purposes of the processing
The purpose of the processing is that of responding to the users’ requests concerning the services offered by ISE Srl and/or to submit offers and estimates.

Communication or dissemination area of the users’ personal data
The personal information provided directly by users through the completion of online forms WILL IN NO EVENT BE COMMUNICATED TO THIRD PARTIES AND WILL NOT BE SUBJECT TO CIRCULATION

Method of treatment/processing
Personal data will be processed automatically and appropriately with regard to the treatment described above.

Nature of the provision of personal data
The provision of some personal information is required in order to respond to a specific request.

Categories of personal data undergoing processing
In addition to personal information provided directly and spontaneously by users (name and last name, e-mail address, company affiliation, telephone, etc..) when connecting to the site, the computer systems responsible for the operation of the site indirectly acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. These data are processed solely for the purpose of anonymous statistical surveys (eg. on the number of visitors to the site).

Persons who may become aware of users’ personal data
Personal data may be brought to the attention of the shareholders, employees and consultants of ISE Srl on the basis of procedures that protect confidentiality, in accordance with the “Code” and legislation on industrial and business secrets.

Owner and manager of the processing
Owner and manager of the processing is ISE Srl with legal offices in Via Artigianale, 29 – 06022 – Fossato di Vico (Pg) – Italy – tel. +39 075 9149429 – Fax +39 075 9149084 in the person of its legal representative.

Users’ rights
Users may at any time exercise the rights under Art. 7 of the “Code”, including the request for cancellation of their data, by contacting the owner of the processing by letter, fax or e-mail (ISE Srl – Via Artigianale, 29 – 06022 – Fossato di Vico (Pg) – Italy – tel. +39 075 9149429 – Fax +39 075 9149084 – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Responsibility of ISE Srl
No responsibility is assumed by ISE Srl in relation to the content published on this website or any illicit use by third parties in terms of contamination, interconnections or downloading of materials. Therefore, ISE Srl will not for any reason be held to answer for damage, loss or harm of any kind that third parties may suffer as a result of contact with this site, or the use of that which is published.

Rev. March 2014